Personal Log v2.0.1 PPC Copyright © 1994-1995 by Michael F. Kamprath Please supply the following information (print clearly): Name : ________________________________________________ Address : ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ E-mail : ______________________________________________________ What type of Macintosh do you use? ____________________________ Number of copies : _______ x U.S. $25 = _________________ | Out side of the U.S. | and Canada +-> x U.S. $5 = _________________ Upgrade from Personal Log v1.X _______ x U.S. $10 = _________________ ______ 10 Copy license = U.S. $200 ______ Unlimited site license = U.S. $750 Total amount = _________________ Please send this form and a check which is cashable in the US for the indicated amount to: Michael F. Kamprath 8635 Falmouth Ave #101 Playa del Rey, CA 90293-8200 USA Comments, suggestions, requests: